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3rd International Symposium on Current Developments in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Sciences
We are very proud to invite you to the "3rd International Symposium on Current Developments in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Sciences (ISCDFAMS -2024) in Honor of Prof. Dr. Arif Salimov" to be held on 2-5 Sep. 2024.
Dear Distinguished Academics and Researchers, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce that “3rd International Symposium on Current Developments in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Sciences (ISCDFAMS -2024)” will be held in Istanbul Aydin University-Istanbul-Türkiye (Face-to-face and online) from 2 to 5 Sep. 2024.
ISCDFAMS-2024 provides an ideal academic platform for researchers and professionals to discuss recent developments in both theoretical and applied mathematics, and in engineering sciences. Within this four-day-event, there will be scientific sessions, keynote & invited lectures, oral presentations, as well as exceptional networking opportunities. For further information please kindly see ISCDFAMS-2024 webpage: www.iscdfams.com You are kindly invited to submit papers for special sessions on mathematics, and in engineering sciences and we are looking forward to welcoming you, your colleagues to our (ISCDFAMS-2024) symposium with your scientific contributions.
With our best regards, Organizing Committee of ISCDFAMS-2024.
Prof. Dr. Bülent Ünal
Keynote ConferenceProf. Dr. Bülent Ünal (Bilkent University – Turkey) Current perspectives on Ricci flows
Prof. Dr. Arif Salimov
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Arif Salimov (Baku State University – Azerbaijan) Tensor Derivations and Problem of Lifts
Prof. Dr. Tofigh Allahviranloo
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Tofigh Allahviranloo (Istinye University – Turkey) Z-Numbers
Prof. Dr. Farit Gabidinovich Avkhadiev
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Farit Gabidinovich Avkhadiev (Kazan Federal University, Russia) Selected results and open problems on Hardy-Rellich type inequalities
Prof. Dr. Hemangi Madhusudan Shah
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Hemangi Madhusudan Shah (Indian Institute of Technology – India) Some Characteristics of Almost Omega Bach Solitons
Prof. Dr. Ljubisa Kocinac
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Ljubisa Kocinac (University of Nis-Serbia) Some Trends in Karamata Theory
Prof. Dr. Sedaghat Shahmorad
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Sedaghat Shahmorad (University of Tabriz- Iran) Tau collocation method for Volterra integral equations and fractional differential equations
Prof. Dr. Josef Mikesh
Invited SpeakersProf. Dr. Josef Mikesh (Palacky University - Czech Republic) On Global Geodesic Mappings of Special Spaces.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Akyol
Invited SpeakersAssoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Akyol (Bingol University – Turkey) On Pointwise Riemannian Maps in Complex Geometry
All presentations and abstract files should be prepared in English.
The draft of the symposium program has been announced. Click here to view. You can forward correction requests to iscdfams@gmail.com
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Yes. The participation fee for face-to-face presentaions is 65$ (Accompanying Person &Master – PhD Std. 55$), and for online presentations is 15$
For international participants, the fee transfer details are: Dollar ($) Bank: Ziraat Bank, Turkey Bank Branch: 112, Erzurum, Turkey Account Holder: Atatürk University Rectorship, Corporate Communication Directorate Swift code: TCZBTR2AXXX Account No: 1289 3749 8150 01 IBAN: TR62 0001 0001 1289 3749 8150 01 For the transfer, please include the “ISCDFAMS 2024 – Your Name” statement and email the receipt to iscdfams@atauni.edu.tr
Turkish Lira (₺) Bank: Ziraat Bank, Turkey Bank Branch: 112, Erzurum, Turkey Account Holder: Atatürk University Rectorship, Corporate Communication Directorate IBAN: TR62 0001 0001 1289 3749 8150 01 For the transfer, please include the “ISCDFAMS 2024 – Your Name” statement and email the receipt to iscdfams@atauni.edu.tr
Registration fee include: Admission to scientific sessions, All-Conference materials, Tea/coffee and cookies, Certificate of Attendance, Social Activities, Symposium Gala Dinner (Evening, 3 Sep. 2024), N.B. The fee does not include accommodation and lunchs.
All participants are required to register for the symposium.
The symposium program will be announced on the symposium website.
After using the "Abstract" template, upload your paper (Word (doc.) file only). The last upload will overwrite the previous file. The abstract should not be less than 150 words. Short Abstracts must not be exceed one page. Short Abstract should not contain any tables or figures. Three key words and references are mandatory. Acknowledgement and Mathematics Subject Classification codes (MSC) are optional. You should only upload files of Word format(doc.). Do not upload files in any other format (pdf. etc.).
There will be a peer-review process for the accepted presentations.
You do not need to come to Istanbul for the symposium since the online presentation facility is available.
After the blind-review process, you will have the option to publish your work in journals.
The symposium will be held both face-to-face and online. Face-to-face presentations will be held at Istanbul Aydin University in Istanbul-Turkey. (İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, Beşyol Mah. İnönü Cad. No.38 P.C: 34295 Küçükçekmece/İSTANBUL-Türkiye) Online presentations will be made via Zoom You can access the meeting code and password for Zoom meetings provided on the symposium website.
All participants will get a participation certificate.
We hope you will attend and contribute to the “3rd International Symposium on Current Developments in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Sciences" (ISCDFAMS-2024). For Contact: